Help us measure the support and scale of each CityCoins city in this friendly proof-of-culture NFT competition.
It was the best of times, it was the…alright, we’ll cut to the chase. We’ve taken a page from the Stacks Foundation’s playbook to bring you a friendly proof-of-culture NFT competition: The Scale of Two Cities.

We have one question: which of today’s CityCoins cities has the backing of the most unique and creative artists? Put another way, which city has the strongest proof-of-culture? Help us get to the bottom of this and share your artistry in the process.
Stackers and CityCoiners will compete in this community competition in support of New York City or Miami. We’ll be looking out for the number of unique artist submissions and the uniqueness of the artwork submitted to each city’s wallet. What’s more, our favorite submissions will win a grand prize of 250 STX! Runners up will win 2500 CityCoins for the city related to their submission.
Mint your original NFT via Boom and transfer to either miamiwallet.btc or nycwallet.btc to display your support and showcase your favorite city’s culture. We’ll be looking out for submissions through Sunday, November 21st at 11:59 PM PST.
How to Enter
- Use Boom.Money to mint an original CityCoins themed NFT in support of your favorite city
- Using the Boom Wallet, send your NFT to either miamiwallet.btc or nycwallet.btc
- Tweet your submission @stxnft with the hashtags #ScaleOfTwoCities and #ProofOfCulture
- Submissions will close on November 21, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST
- We will announce the winners on November 22nd
Winners (edited on 11/23)
- Best Overall Submission: Winner of 250 STX Grand Prize
- CC NY #1 by @john_singer

- Most Creative Submission (one per city): Winner of 2500 CityCoins from related city
- NYC: Only NYC by @chrisbreen
- MIA: Welcome to MiamiCoin by @Guerrero4D

- Most Culturally Significant Submission (one per city): Winner of 2500 CityCoins from related city
- NYC: NYC CityCoins by @arnofromearth
- MIA: VIRTUE > VICE by @nybe

- Other notable mentions!
Our Best Overall Submission will also help answer our golden question: which city has the strongest proof-of-culture?
What are you waiting for? Join the community to show us the cultural scale of each city!
View Submissions
See Miami Submissions:
See NYC Submissions: